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Encryption is just one way you can prevent data theft. Techworld explains what encryption is and how it works

The need for encryption and tough security measures is at an all-time high, with an increasing number of businesses and consumers falling victim to a whole host of cyber crimes.

Although, the method of encrypting information is certainly not new. In fact, cryptography dates back to ancient times, the only real difference being that now we use electronic devices to generate unique encryption algorithms to scramble our data.

These days you'll find encryption in most things that run using an internet connection, from messaging apps and personal banking apps to websites and online payment methods.

And for consumers, making sure your data cannot be stolen or used for ransom has never been more important.

But encryption is not without bad press. Pretty Good Encryption (PGP), a popular email encryption program has hit the headlines this week after German researchers found a major vulnerability which could reveal past and present encrypted emails.

For more information follow the link https://bit.ly/2IlXALi


