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Relaxing holidays as an SME owner - book a workation!


"Workations" are a new trend for startup business founders – as a way to relax, recharge, but keep on working....

How do you relax if you are your own boss? For a startup business you give it your all, it is part of who you are and what you want to become.  For entrepreneurs, taking holidays can be as stressful as not taking them, worrying about every minute spent away from your business.  Many UK small business owners take fewer than 6 days holiday a year.

So would a holiday with colleagues, clients or other like minded entrepreneurs be the answer to getting the balance right?  It does mean you wouldn't be completely switching off, however as a small business owner are you ever really switched off?  Perhaps a different location with a different type of working for a limited time or even a special project is the answer?

For some example holidays or to read more see  https://www.wired.co.uk/article/workation-co-working-holidays