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Why and how to start thinking as an entrepreneur?


"An entrepreneur is not someone who owns a business. It is someone who makes things happen." -Tim Ferris

Entrepreneurs come in all ages, sizes and can be found anywhere. They are usually defined as people that think in a specific way, who identify their needs or interests, then take the initiative to avail a productive business opportunity, gather all necessary resources and turn the possibility into reality.

To be a successful entrepreneur, an individual must be dedicated and consistent in what they are doing, to never give up on their ideas and to always try to find more innovative ways of achieving their goals and objectives.

Nowadays with competition growing extremely, companies need to start encouraging their employees to follow the thinking patterns of entrepreneurs to boost productivity, profit and customer interest. There are few parts that form the character of an entrepreneur and if businesses want to beat competition, they must ensure employees are applying similar entrepreneurial mindset.

Here are some of the top components of an entrepreneurial mindset:

1. Ability to recognize opportunity – they see or seek out opportunities and convert them into businesses.

2. Create Value to their customers, company and their stakeholders. Entrepreneurs know it is not only about doing the job but about customer interaction and raising the value with each different project.

3. Comfort with risk - being aware of all the ups and downs the business path can take them to, but not giving up. They must invest their time and recourses in order to develop their ideas. As Thomas Edison has said - “I have not failed. I have just found 10,000 ways that won't work.”

4. Ability to sell is key for every business owner and their employees. We must sell our ideas to our team or colleagues and then together to create a valuable product which can be confidently sold to our customers.

5. Adaptability to internal and external changes and being able to quickly react to obstacles or new trends.

But don’t worry if you don’t possess all the above! They can always be learned and developed with time and when we figure out our own approach to entrepreneurship, then success will come.