What's New

Christmas Food Bank Collection


This year here at Basepoint Chichester we will be collecting food donations for the Chichester foodbank. Both items for Christmas hampers and ordinary food stuffs are welcome.


This year here at Basepoint Chichester we will be collecting food donations for the Chichester foodbank. Both items for Christmas hampers, everyday essentials and ordinary food stuffs are welcome. Any items that are for Christmas hampers please check that the dates are after Christmas. This will help greatly within the local community to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to celebrate Christmas and the aim is that no one goes hungry. The foodbank we will be supporting is part of The Trussell Trust’s network of 428 foodbanks, working to tackle food poverty and hunger in our local communities, as well as across the UK.

The Foodbank Network was founded in 2004 after four years of developing the original foodbank based in Salisbury. Since then The Trussell Trust has helped communities work together to launch foodbanks nationwide in a wide range of towns and cities.

Please bring any donations to the Basepoint Chichester reception so that we can store and then deliver the items in time for Christmas.

Thank you
