What's New

What does it take to help your business grow?


There are 2 main things that a business requires to grow- a strong network and money! Here at Basepoint we are trying to make it easier to access both.

On the 4th June 2019 we will be hosting Worcestershire Business Central as they put on a drop in centre between 09.30 and 12.00. Feel free to turn up and ask any questions. They can guide you as to how to access funding, training and networking.

The following week is our 2nd Baspoint Networking Breakfast (BNB). We will continue building those relationships over some bacon butties and coffee. A structured event that you allows you the time to showcase your business and get to know others.

Remember that networking is generally not about selling your services to those in the room. It is about getting the people in the room to know you, and they will then recommend you to their extended network. Business is about relationship, build your relationship network and watch your business grow

Obtaining any of the services we offer at Basepoint will give you access to more opportunities which will help you and your business to flourish..