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Turning your hobby into a business SOME SMALL BUSINESS IDEAS Here are a few small business ideas if you are a single person. Some of these can be accommodated in a co-working environment.

1.          Handyman

For the person who are always busy fixing things.   Whether at home or at the call of a friend for help.

2.          Woodworker

Having a passion for crafting beautiful things from wood?   List your pieces on a few online shopping sites and when expanding, accept custom orders.

3.         Sewing and alteration specialist

Being a seamstress will never go out of fashion.  There is always a need for hems to be taken up, buttons to be replaced and clothing too big to be taken in.  If you love sewing, start by offering simple services and expand by word of mouth to something bigger.

4.          Freelance developer

If you can build websites and provide technical support, all which is in high demand right now, you can start your freelance developer business.   Be able to describe what you do in a language that is easily understood so that your client knows exactly what you are doing.

5.      Personal trainer

As a personal trainer, you can offer home consultations, nutrition and exercise regimens.   You can get involved in community boot camps.   Through your Instagram feeds, full of inspirational quotes, snack ideas and exercise videos, you can build up your business.

6.   Freelance graphic designer

As with a freelance developer, a freelance graphic designer can set their own hours, choose which projects to get involved in and build a portfolio to be proud of.  Experienced graphic designers are all in demand by companies seeking out their expertise.

7.      Resume writer

Resume writers are the in thing at present.   Not everybody knows how to write a resume that make people sit up and take notice.  Tailored resumes or curriculum vitaes can be tough and time consuming.  Together with a good cover letter and crafted portfolio it makes for reading impossible to be ignored.

8.    Freelance writer

Not everybody knows how to put a blog, magazine article or website together.   Someone out there is willing to pay you for your writing skills.   To start, you should have a portfolio of work to share with potential clients.  This will help you to show off your work and attract new business.

9.    Translator

If you are in the fortunate position to speak a foreign language or two, you can start a translation service.   Find out whether there is an opening in a specific genre and fill it, whether in law courts, translating documents or just being a translator or literature.
