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Mayflower Theatre has been awarded three stars by Julie’s Bicycle, an environmental charity which works with performing arts organisations to assess the green credentials of concert halls, theatres and other arts events. The theatre joins a growing community of 48 creative organisations leading good environmental practice across the UK and is the first to achieve the accreditation in Southampton.

Mayflower Theatre, which is currently undergoing a multi-million pound refurbishment project, has cut its carbon footprint considerably in the last 12 months and worked hard to drive down its impact on the environment.

It has reduced its electricity use by 13% per performance in the last year and is set to install power-saving LED lights in the auditorium as part of the refurbishment programme, which could reduce power usage by 90% compared to existing lighting.

Recycling has played a big part in Mayflower Theatre’s environmental drive. The venue has recycled 93,000 plastic bottles in the last year and stopped using plastic straws in its bars last month.

Chief Executive Michael Ockwell said: “We all have a part to play in making our world greener and reducing our impact on the environment is a priority here at Mayflower Theatre. Initiatives such as the plastic straw ban have been well received by our patrons, who too are keen to make a difference to the planet.”

Sustainability has also been a key priority of the Mayflower’s current £7.5m refurbishment programme: 63% of waste from the project will be recycled.

Catherine Bottrill from Julie’s Bicycle said: “We’re thrilled to see Mayflower has continually reduced its impact on the environment, scoring higher and higher on our accreditation scheme every year. Theatres understandably need to use energy and water to give thousands of visitors each year experiences that inspire, entertain and provoke them. Mayflower is showing the way in creating theatre that is environmentally responsible and a demonstration to others of what can be achieved when environmental thinking made part of the conversation.”

To find out more about the theatre’s refurbishment programme visit http://www.mayflower.org/refurb

Credit http://www.investinsouthampton.co.uk/news/story.aspx?id=tcm:64-401285