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A few pointers as how to increase business productivity There are a few ways to increase productivity in the workplace. Some of them are:

The way your business is currently operating and being open to change to be more efficient : give employees ownership
Set expectations  : know your employees’ strengths and weaknesses
Incorporate teambuilding exercises
Reduce distractions in the workplace
Make sure your equipment is up to par and that you have the right tools for the right job
Improve the workplace conditions
Practice positive reinforcement by means of giving something to the employees when they perform the requested action correctly.  Incentives being a reinforcing stimulus, will in turn cause them to do the correct actions more often.
Types of productivity can be classified by

The ratio output per person (Labour productivity)
The ratio output of goods or services to the ratio of the input
The ratio of output to the ratio of input of materials (known as natural resources)
It is a normal phenomenon that employees sometimes face a dip in their motivation.   It can become a problem if it is consistent.  So, keeping your employees motivated is a major part of getting your company on the success path and keeping it there.

A few tips to keep your employees motivated are:

Recognise great work : Incentive bonuses, not only at the end of the financial year, but when a job well done deserves it.  It doesn’t need to be monetary, but can be a gift voucher for a weekend away, a day at the spa, etc.
Celebrate results : If your company have excelled itself during the year, take your employees on a week-end away.
Stay positive : Even if the company takes a dip, do not pass it on to your employees.   Happiness and positivity play a great role in the success of businesses.  
Business cannot run on an empty stomach.   Keeping snacks at the workplace can help your team maintaining their energy levels throughout the day.  Productivity may just cancel out the cost of stocking your company with healthy snacks.
Insist on regular breaks.   A tired mind and body cannot produce the productivity needed to run a successful business.
Be transparent – relationships, whether at home or at work, is built on trust.   Trust build motivation between you and your employees.  Transparency means that everybody is on the same page and is beneficial to your company.
Teamwork is a great motivator that should be encouraged.   Knowing that you are not alone in the business, is amazing.   The relationship between peers is a solid foundation for good relationships.
Change the scenery in the workplace.  Working in a dull environment is not conducive to good results.   Things like natural light, plants, paint colour, etc. can have a big impact on how the employees feel.
Have fun.  Make sure your employees do not feel like they are slogging day in and day out.  A little bit of fun during the day can be highly motivated.