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B2B Lead Generation Strategies and Tactics for 2019


Want to know the biggest challenge in B2B marketing? In one word, it’s leads. Leads is where it all begins and without them, there are no clients, no revenue, no purpose of the business.

Lead generation for B2B businesses isn’t the same for every company/business. What works for a drug testing company may not work for a B2B recruitment company. When you market for B2B, you have to go where your ideal clients or customers are. So, the obvious question for any marketer is 'How do I get leads?'.

Leadfeeder, a web analytics technology developmement startup company from Finland, have detailed 61 lead generation strategies and tactics B2B businesses have been using successfully.

1.Website Optimization

A properly optimized website is critical to increasing the quality and quantity of leads your website generates. Website errors, slow site speed, and the inability to identify visitors can hinder even the best executed marketing plans.

2.Content Marketing

Content that provides value to the end user is very important to lead generation. It instills trust in your visitors, helps move people along through your funnel, and allows you to engage your prospects in a natural way without having to resort to a heavy-handed sales pitch. Research the audience of non-competing  websites that use blogs and then pitch the owner or editor relevant blog topics. Pro tip: Pitch ideas that are relevant to their audience for best chances of success. It’s important that you take into consideration the audience of the website. If they aren’t a good fit with your products or services, there’s no point in guest blogging.

Having a general type of landing page won’t help increase conversions as it’s too broad in scope. You can increase the prospects your website drives by offering content (landing pages, emails, lead magnets, etc) that’s personalized for the end user.

3.Social Media

Social media marketing is much more than making a few self-serving Facebook posts every week. To make your social media efforts worthwhile, you’ll need to not only create engaging content, but intelligently leverage each social media site to target your ideal demographic.

Facebook groups are useful tools to engage your audience. You can run paid ads or create gated content (paid or non-paid) to entice new visitors to join the conversation.

Using Twitter on a regular basis and engaging with other thought leaders in your niche (or industry) will help get you and your business noticed.

LinkedIn is one of the best marketing tools for B2B companies out there. Your entire audience is in one place and the site encourages user participation and interaction.LinkedIn is all about participating in communities, connecting with new people, and getting your name out there as the expert in your industry. By engaging with the community, you’ll be helping others and people will take notice.

B2B businesses that have a lot of online reviews instill a level of trust in prospective customers or clients who may be researching them. Bonus points if you’ve successfully resolved a complaint from a customer in a professional manner.

4. Offline strategies

Lead generation for B2B businesses has been going on long before the internet came into existence as we know it. The following methods have been by businesses since at least the early 1900’s.

Trade shows are the hallmark of B2B lead generation strategy. Potential clients are all in one place and they’re open to learning more about new services and products that could help their business.

Sell sheets, whitepapers, prospectuses, business cards, and even outdoor banners can all be printed up by a professional print shop to showcase your services or products. Be sure to hire the best graphic designer that you can, as you’re going to want to put your best foot forward when marketing the old school way.

Charity events, fun runs, and community service outings can help ingratiate your business with the local community. If the event is big enough, your business (and website URL) might get a mention in the local newspaper or other printed marketing collateral. You can even write a blog post about it and promote the event to your clients and customers.


Find out more strategies here https://blog.leadfeeder.com/b2b-lead-generation-strategies-and-tactics/?utm_content=buffer3e2b7&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=content#social-media-marketing-strategies



