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Find the right quote for you

To find the hidden value in a quote that portraits our beliefs can be hard to find.    To listen to a long endless list of motivational quotes can at the same time be draining as well as uplifting.  But somewhere along the line, one finds a quote that open the door to that little space in your mind that means something.

One can only wonder what it is about motivational quotes that one finds captivating.   Quotes you may have thought about if only you were a litte bit more eloquent.   Quotes that you happen upon just at the right time to bring a change to your life.   No matter how successful one is in life, there is a quote out there to bring just the right amount of inspiration to get one through tough times and to remember exactly what is and what is not impotant.  

One such quote is from Winston S Churhill :  Sucess is not final;  failure is not fatal :  It is the courage to continue that counts.